Program Application

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    Conversion action Online purchase with processed valid payment
    Cookie days 90 days
    Commission type Percent of Sale
    Base commission 5.00%
    Hello and thank you for registering for the Tastie International Brand social media affiliate program.

    Once you are approved you will have access to your affiliate dashboard.

    There you will be able to access

    1- Your affiliate code (which you will use to embed in all ad's and tweets that you will send you through your social media outlets
    2- Get all stats on all your activity as an affiliate (clicks, purchases, commissions)
    3- You will also be able to access "Creatives" which are the ad's you will use in your posts.

    - Affiliate Conduct and Policy
    You must agree to all policies in regards to being a social media affiliate for Tastie International Brand. Any failure to do so will result in termination of your affiliate status.

    1- You cannot under any circumstances post anything that is not authorized by us. You will be held liable for any posting you do that is not under approval by Tastie International Brand LLC

    2- You must at all times conduct yourself in a professional manner, any vulgar or abusive language used in accordance with your affiliate status will not be tolerated. Any use of racial or sexually abusive posts will not be accepted in any form. In the case you do involve yourself in this type of behavior you will automatically be terminated as a rep and any action taken against you will be solely the responsibility of you as an individual.

    3- You may not in any form alter the advertising you are authorized to post. None of the images or wording can be changed without the written consent of Tastie International Brand LLC.

    By registering for this affiliate program you hereby agree to all the terms and conditions in the statements above. You acknowledge that any failure to do so will lead to immediate cancellation of your affiliate contract.

    Shawn Gates
    Affiliate Program Director
    Tastie International Brand LLC